
Paper #4: Science Fiction as Metaphor: Due May 5th!

For Thursday: Last Two Stories/Questions for Class! (see below)

For Thursday: Best American Science Fiction Writing 2015

For Thursday: Best American Science Fiction & Fantasy 2015

For Tuesday: Best American Science Fiction & Fantasy Writing 2015

Paper #3: Software Update--due Tuesday, April 12th

For Thursday: Scissortail Creative Writing Festival

For Thursday: Levin, The Stepford Wives, pp.50-100 (at least)

For Thursday: Levin, The Stepford Wives, pp.1-50

Paper #2 due March 3rd by 5pm (see below)

For Tuesday: Millar, Superman: Red Son (Book Three: Red Son Setting)

Comp 2 Conference Schedule for Next Week

For Thursday: Millar, Superman: Red Son (Books 1 and 2)

Questions about MLA Citation?

For Tuesday: Weir, The Martian, Chs.16-22

Paper #1: To Boldly Go...

For Thursday: Weir, The Martian, Chs. 9-15

For Thursday: Weir, The Martian, Chs.1-8

Welcome to the Course!