
Paper #4/Final Exam: Brave New Worlds

For Tuesday: Asimov, I Robot: “Escape!” and “Evidence”

Scissortail Creative Writing Festival Assignment (optional)

For Tuesday: Asimov, I, Robot: "Liar" and "Lost Little Robot" + Paper #3 assignment

For Thursday: Asimov, I, Robot: “Reason” and “Catch That Rabbit”

For Tuesday: Asimov, Introduction + First 2 Stories: "Robbie" and "Runaronud"

For Thursday: Chiang, “The Great Silence” (pp.273-276)

For Thursday: Dickinson, “Three Bodies at Mitanni” (pp.234-253)

For Thursday: Never Let Me Go (film)

For Thursday: Finish Feed + Paper #2 assignment posted below

For Tuesday: Anderson, Feed, pp. 150-223

For Thursday: Anderson, Feed, pp. 73-149 (though feel free to read more if you wish!)

Paper #1 Conferences Next Week

MLA Citation Handout (from class)

Paper #1: Metaphors of the Future

For Thursday: Huang. “By Degrees and Dilatory Time” (pp.75-86)

For Thursday: BASFF, “Rat Catcher’s Yellows” (207)

For Tuesday: BASFF, “The Daydreamer by Proxy” (101) & Headshot (122)

Welcome to the Course!