English 1213/Short Paper #1: Metaphors ‘R Us (Due FRIDAY)

For your first short assignment, I want you to use metaphors to “help people to understand the unfamiliar” (Erard). In this case, I want you to explain to someone who has never been to college, what your first semester of college was like. However, to make it a little more visual—and challenging—I want you to do so using one of the fantasy/sci-fi metaphors below:

A Dragon     A Sorcerer     A Robot     A Spaceship

In other words, I want you to either describe a day in your life as a student, or a composite of several of your experiences and adventures, but through the metaphor of something completely imaginary. Just like Yoachim wrote about wind-up toys or Payseur wrote about “rivers running free,” I want you to show us college through the eyes of a dragon, or a sorcerer’s magic, etc. How can this help translate an unfamiliar experience in a way that makes them see and feel your day-to-day reality in college? How can a robot help people understand what’s it like to study all night and take a test first thing in the morning? How could a spaceship translate the whirlwind of activities that has become your daily ritual?

EX: You can do this assignment in a variety of ways: you could actually pretend to be a dragon going to college, or a spaceship going to flight school. OR, you could write about yourself and use metaphors derived from sorcery or robotics. Either way, think about what these things are, how they function, and what they represent, and relate it to what you experience on a daily basis. There are more comparisons than you might think!

  • At least 2 full pages, double spaced (but you can do more)
  • Think metaphorically: how can you help people see through your metaphor so they actually experience what your life feels like?
  • Due Friday, February 1st in class
